Lots of entries for the Sail22 Grab Bag Giveaway!!! We’ll have to do this again soon! Thank you everyone for spreading the word and participating in the giveaway. We made up a few extra grab bags, so if you’re at Bacardi Miami Sailing Week or know someone who is, tell them to stop by the Sail22 Support Trailer and pick one up. We’ll give them out until they are gone!

If you’re a winner, please contact us in the next 48 hours (ie. by Saturday at noon) at Please send us your full name, address and phone # for shipping within the United States. If we’ll be seeing you here at Bacardi, Etchells Nationals or Charleston Race Week, please just let us know and we’ll hold it for you to pick-up. If you do not contact us within 48 hours, we’ll be drawing a new winner. Remember, we’re trying to clean out the Sail22 Support Trailer, so we want to ship out everything as soon as possible!

Now…on to the winners! Congratulations to the following Sail22 Grab Bag Winners:

Rosemary Metzger

Broony Daniels

Sam Richmond


Kelly Monahan

Jeff Carpenter

Matthew Princing

Lynz Boston

Frank McCarthy

KLM (Not sure of your name…)

Jorgen Wathne

Ed FurryComment